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About Us

Welcome to NimbusNow, your trusted source for all things cannabis in Gauteng and beyond. As the premier magazine dedicated to the cannabis industry in Gauteng, South Africa, we're on a mission to be the influential voice that guides and informs this ever-evolving landscape.


NimbusNow was born from a passion for cannabis and a deep-rooted belief in its potential to create positive change. We're not just a magazine; we're a platform for education, advocacy, and community-building within the cannabis sector. Our goal is to shine a spotlight on the remarkable individuals, businesses, and innovations that are shaping this industry's future.


In Gauteng, where the cannabis industry is blooming, we stand as the compass that helps navigate the complexities and opportunities that arise. We're here to empower everyone, from entrepreneurs and enthusiasts to patients and policymakers, with knowledge, inspiration, and connections.


While our journey began in Gauteng, our ambition knows no boundaries. We aspire to extend our reach across South Africa, becoming the go-to source for cannabis insights and information nationwide. Our commitment to fostering a sustainable, inclusive, and responsible cannabis industry remains unwavering.


Join us in this exciting endeavour as we explore the limitless potential of cannabis, one issue at a time. Whether you're a dedicated advocate, an eager learner, or simply curious about the world of cannabis, NimbusNow is your companion on this remarkable journey. Together, we're shaping a brighter future for cannabis in South Africa - One Story, One Voice, One Step Forward.

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